Personal Website Tidbits
I'm going to share the open-source packages that I've used while putting together my new personal website ( I’ve been really impressed with the results I’ve been able to achieve in a short amount of time and with a relatively low amount of effort (because, you know, day job and all).

I'm going to share the open-source packages that I've used while putting together my new personal website ( I’ve been really impressed with the results I’ve been able to achieve in a short amount of time and with a relatively low amount of effort (because, you know, day job and all).
As a somewhat devoted Apple technology enthusiast (and a former software engineer for the company) my goal was to use the technology stack I was familiar with and excited about – and that meant using Swift.
So, the website was – and is – being developed in Swift. This is great, because I hate nothing more than messing with web technologies. (It’s all such an inconsistent mess, and I just can’t handle it! I'm sure you get it.) I use Publish and Plot, along with some customizations I made along the way to support things like posting photography.
I parse the images I add automatically to embed their EXIF metadata like the camera I used (I take all my photos using my iPhone), their original resolutions, etc. The photos are also automatically converted from their ProRAW originals to more web-suitable compressed versions. In the near future, my goal is to allow publishing photos directly from my phone.
The classic Mac OS theme is heavily based on Sakun Acharige's System.css.
I certainly had a lot of fun working on this and exploring the various tools the Open Source community has made available over time. Feel free to explore the website at
This post was originally published on December 27, 2022.